Search results for: thomas rippel

Thomas Rippel, checking in on land ownership, stable coins, pensions for farmers and city folks

A conversation with regenerative farmer Thomas Ripple discussing crowdfunding, stable coins, pensions for farmers, food pensions for city folks and land ownership.

Thomas Rippel, using a blockchain to help Farmland Stewardship Organisations grow

Regenerative farmer, Thomas Rippel raised over € 1M with a German CSA to buy the land under their farm. Now Thomas is looking at blockchains to help more Farmland Stewardship Organisations do the same.

The role of the crowd in the transition finance for farmers

As part of the Transition Finance for Farmers series, Benedikt Bösel and Koen van Seijen discuss with Thomas Rippel the role of the crowd in transition finance. They talk about the transition from active farmer to retirement and freeing up land for future generations, as well as investing in regenerative transition.

Nettie Wiebe – We have become monocultural in our fields and minds

A conversation with Nettie Wiebe, organic farmer and long-time small farm activist in Canada and globally, one of the founders of La Via Campesina, part of the IPES food panel, and coauthor of the recent Land Squeeze report. We talk about land purchases and prices. In many places, over 70% of the farmland is controlled by 1% of the farms. This is just one of the many challenges the latest Land Squeeze report of the IPES food panel addresses. We talk about the results of the report and what to do about it, how go get speculative money out of farming and why green grabbing needs to stop.

Land squeeze: one of the biggest issues in regenerative farming is access to land. Why is that? Farmers in the global industrialised north are ageing, and many of them don’t have a next generation taking over the farm; many other people would love to farm and are, in many cases, able, but can never finance the land purchase because land prices and value are completely disconnected. They face competition from ever larger industrial extractive, well financed farms.

Charley Cummings – The silver bullet of regeneration is accounting

A conversation with Charley Cummings, founder and CEO of Walden Mutual Bank, about building a cooperative bank, owned by the customers, and why starting a bank might be the most impactful thing you can do in your regional food system and much more.

Wouter Veer – Trying to fix private land ownership, the root cause of all our issues

A conversation with Wouter Veer, entrepreneur, impact investor, founder of Lenteland, about inequality, impact investing, land ownership, unsustainability, Charles Eisenstein, and starting and funding a venture and a movement in the Netherlands.

Charles Eisenstein – Money or ecology: investors have to make a choice on which master they serve

A conversation with Charles Eisenstein, writer of Sacred Economics and Climate: A new story, about his fascination for soil and regenerative agriculture, his advice to investors as well as the role of animals in regeneration, his thoughts on our fascination for quick technology fixes, vertical farms and clean lab-grown meat.

Paul Chatterton on working to finance the regeneration of 85m hectares across 16 landscapes

From Fiji to Slovakia and from Gabon to Scotland. There are very few people on the planet working on financing regeneration at a landscape level. This is a check in interview with Paul Chatterton of the Landscape Finance Lab currently working to finance the regeneration of 85m hectares across 16 landscapes.