Category: Diet Change

Ethan Soloviev on the enormous lack of regenerative ingredients for food companies and what to do about it

This is a check in interview with Ethan Soloviev, chief innovation officer of HowGood, a good friend of the podcast and one of the leaders in the regenerative food and agriculture space, where we talk about the regen hype. Where are we?

Pierre Weill on selling 2b euro a year of animal protein as anti inflammatory food

This deep dive into nutrient density on how Pierre Weill, co-founder of the non-profit organization Bleu-Blanc-Coeur, created a 2b euro a year certification program, paying farmers more for better quality food. Starting with the simple (but very complex) concept: farmers hold the key to our health, if we don’t change the practices in the field we need to find chemical medicines.

Zach Bush on why all health issues come back to how we treat the soil

A conversation with Zach Bush on how did a medical doctor ended up going very deep on soil and
discovering that almost all health issues can be traced back to how we treat our soils. Learn about the role of glysofate and why after seeing all this doom and gloom he actually has a lot of hope for the human species.

Jonathan Lundgren – Regenerative agriculture much more profitable than extractive ag?!

A riveting conversation with agro ecologist, entomologist, farmer and beekeeper, Dr. Jonathan Lundgren, director of the nonprofit Regenerative Agriculture Research Center, the ECDYSIS Foundation and CEO of Blue Dasher farm in South Dakota.

Jill Clapperton, a 25 years learning journey on nutrient density, healthy soils, food and people

Co-founder of Rhizoterra Inc. and scientific advisor of chef Dan Barber, Jill Clapperton has been focussed on the connection between healthy soils, healthy food and healthy people for the last 25 years.

Catherine Tubb, why precision fermentation completely disrupts industrial animal farming by 2030

Catherine Tubb of RethinkX is the co-author of the “Rethinking Food & Agriculture” report. Will precision fermentation really be 100 times more land efficient, produce 10-25 times more feedstock and be 10 times more water efficient? And what does it do with nutrient density and healthcare?