Category: Investor Stories

Phil Graves on how Patagonia is investing its $75 million fund into regenerative agriculture

Why regenerative ORGANIC certification is key for the future of agriculture? The answer in the interview with Phil Graves, head of Patagonia’s venture fund Tin Shed Ventures.

Armin Steuernagel on how to keep a mission driven company independent and raise capital

Armin Steuernagel, entrepreneur in food, co-founder of the Purpose Network and impact investor. The Purpose Network helps companies to stay independent and mission driven for the long term.

Martijn Blom, investing 15m into regen food/agri companies in Sub Saharan Africa

Entrepreneur turned impact investor with a new found passion for SOIL: an interview withMartijn Blom, senior manager investor relationships at Hivos Impact Investments, the impact investment arm of a large dutch NGO.

Eric Jackson – Doing over 150M in sales of organic grain and soy, started 18mon ago

Eric Jackson is CEO of Pipeline Foods. A conversation about large scale conversion of land to organic farming and what holds farmers back while the demand is growing so rapidly.

Esther Park, CEO of Cienega capital, on impact investing in regen ag and food

The CEO of Cienega Capital and founder of #NOREGRETS initiative, Esther Park talking about investing in Regenerative Agriculture.

Rufo Quintavalle, the impact investor poet of regenerative agriculture

How to take the plunge when wanting to invest in regenerative agriculture with Rufo Quintavalle, impact investor and poet.

Rhamis Kent, are you an investor or a gambler?

An interview with Rhamis Kent discussing the role of investors in scaling up the regenerative agriculture business.

Sallie Calhoun, do and don’ts from the most experienced regen ag investor

A conversation with Sallie Calhoun of Cienega Capital and the #NoRegrets Initiative, impact investor in regenerative agriculture for over 15 years.

Joe Baird, the view of an experienced impact investor on regenerative agriculture

An interview with Joe Baird, impact investor, splitting his time between California and Northern Italy, where he is introducing regenerative agriculture methods to restore the countryside, both ecologically and socially.