Category: Landscape Design 2.0

Maddie Akkermans on changing the weather systems in the Middle East through regeneration at scale

Maddie Akkermans, co-founder of The Weather Makers, joins us to discuss the role of water cycle, aquatic systems, and weather systems in regeneration.

Tobias Joos on how to sell the full rotation of diversified regenerative farms to 10000 customers

A conversation with Tobias Joos, founder of Crowd Container, a new model for direct and 100% transparent exchange of sustainably produced agricultural goods in Switzerland.

Troy Carter and Patrick Leung on preventing speculative boom around the $5T carbon potential of degraded land

Troy Carter and Patrick Leung of Earthshot Labs discuss how compelling visualisations through their simulator impact our regenerative transition on a global scale.

Jason Hayward-Jones on making super accurate keyline design on a landscape scale on 10000 hectares altering the behaviour of water

Jason Hayward-Jones, founder and managing director of REGENFARM Ltd, joins us to discuss how altering the behaviour of water and utilising AI can contribute to designing revolutionary landscape designs.

Pierre Rousseau on how large banks finance the regeneration transition

Pierre Rousseau, the Senior Advisor of BNP Paribas’ Sustainable Business, joins us to talk about the role of banks in regenerative transition. He also talks about how monetising externalities can revolutionise the way you do business.

Nathalie Whitaker and Mike Taitoko, regenerating New Zealand’s dairy industry focussing on water not carbon

A conversation with Nathalie Whitaker and Mike Taitoko, co-founders of Toha, which is building a one-of-a-kind global marketplace with climate and environment impact at its heart.

Benjamin Ware on how Nestlé, doing $93 billion a year in sales, is getting serious about regeneration

This conversation with Benjamin Ware, manager of Responsible Sourcing for Nestlé, explores the role of large corporations in regenerative agriculture. As this is a transition, it is a slow process so don’t expect Nestlé to buy 100% regenerative products in 10 years and there might be a role for some chemical inputs in the transition.

Jasper Bertels on how to regenerate and calculate the returns in a landscape of 1M ha

A dive into a model which shed some light on the potential returns of landscape scale regeneration with Jasper Bertels of Commonland.

Anastasia Volkova on how to monitor whole landscapes and watersheds from space

With Anastasia Volkova, the CEO of Regrow, we kick off our new series about the technologies needed to bring regeneration to a landscape scale. With Anastasia we discuss remote sending and how their digital platform combines agronomy and scenario planning with monitoring, reporting, and verification

Russ Carrington on why Knepp, after rewilding, is moving into regenerative agriculture

Russ Carrington, manager of Knepp Regenerative Farms, on how and why did one of the most well-known rewilding examples in the world has recently started a regenerative farming enterprise.