Category: Ownership

Charles Eisenstein – Money or ecology: investors have to make a choice on which master they serve

A conversation with Charles Eisenstein, writer of Sacred Economics and Climate: A new story, about his fascination for soil and regenerative agriculture, his advice to investors as well as the role of animals in regeneration, his thoughts on our fascination for quick technology fixes, vertical farms and clean lab-grown meat.

Gustav Friis on understanding crypto and blockchains related to regenerative agriculture and food

Gustav Friis, who has been working in the field of crypto and blockchain for the last five years, works as a founder on the investing side, as well as on the impact side. Gustav joins the podcast for a conversation about blockchains, cryptocurrencies, DAOs, online communities, community currencies and so much more.

Lauren Tucker, co-founder of Kiss the Ground helps the next generation of regenerative businesses to thrive

Lauren Tucker, co-founder of Kiss the Ground, is now leading reNourish studio. She joins us to talk about soil carbon, keystone species, and the crucial role of regenerative businesses to allow all living and non-living beings to thrive.  

Jim Mann – Biochar and enhanced rock weathering to remove 1B ton carbon annually and holistically

A check in interview with Jim Mann of the Future Forest Company discussing the need to decarbonise our society a soon as possible and still remove about 10 giga tonne a year to keep most of the planet liveable. A deep dive into biochar and enhanced rock weathering.

Clara Rowe on mapping all restoration projects in the world and provide transparency to the restoration movement

Clara Row is the CEO of Restor, a science-based open data platform to support and connect the global restoration movement. This is conversation about technology, transparency, and bioacoustics in our transition to regeneration. 

Ichsani Wheeler and Tom Hengl – Everyone has the right and the data to know what is happening on our planet

Ichsani Wheeler and Tom Hengl, two of the greatest scientists behind EnvirometriX and OpenGeoHub, discuss open data and open source solutions and how they will help the world come up with real solutions. They also tackle the crucial role of farmers and data analysis in our transition to a sustainable but profitable regenerative agriculture. 

Dan Miller on the crucial role of locally owned processing in regenerative agriculture

A check in interview with Dan Miller, founder of Steward, to talk about creating a sustainable, equitable, and profitable system that supports regenerative practices. 

Shaun Paul on building a regenerative business movement that gives 90% of the wealth to local indigenous peoples

Shaun Paul, Ejido Verde’s CEO, joins us to discuss the astounding economical and environmental impacts of the pine resin industry not only to local indigenous peoples, but also to the world.

Stephen Hohenrieder on investing in mature food companies and help them go further and deeper

Stephen Hohenrieder, founder of Grounded Capital Partners, joins us to discuss a different approach to capital—by treating the symptoms of an unhealthy system rather than incentivizing them.