Category: Ownership

Geert van der Veer, how Herenboeren is scaling community owned farms in Europe

Geert van der Veer, co-founder of Herenboeren, a movement to build a thousand community owned regenerative farms in Europe.

Armin Steuernagel on how to keep a mission driven company independent and raise capital

Armin Steuernagel, entrepreneur in food, co-founder of the Purpose Network and impact investor. The Purpose Network helps companies to stay independent and mission driven for the long term.

Ian McSweeney, 400M US acres will change hands soon, how to make them regenerative?!

Facilitating the transition of the best regenerative soil to the next regeneration of regen farmers: an interview with Ian McSweeney, director of the Agrarian Trust.

Thomas Rippel, using a blockchain to help Farmland Stewardship Organisations grow

Regenerative farmer, Thomas Rippel raised over € 1M with a German CSA to buy the land under their farm. Now Thomas is looking at blockchains to help more Farmland Stewardship Organisations do the same.