Category: Short Food Webs

Fabio Sakamoto, growing large scale Brazilian regenerative organic agriculture

A conversation with Fabio Sakamoto, co-founder of Rizoma Agro, about bringing down the costs of producing regenerative organic grains and pulses and how to scale this to impact more acres.

Bastien Sachet, how Nestlè and Ferrero are decommodifying their supply chains

An interview with Bastien Sachet, CEO of The Earthworm Foundation. A dive deep into the importance of managing forests and soils. The key is a humble approach for large brands and commodity buyers as they need a more holistic view to shift from extractive to regenerative.

Dan Miller on crowdfunding and its key role in regenerative agriculture

Is investing in regenerative agriculture and food only for large investors? An interview with Dan Miller, founder of crowd investing platform Steward.

What is the role of fully vertically integrated products in the regenerative transition of a farmer?

As part of the Transition Finance for Farmers series, Benedikt Bösel and Koen van Seijen interview Bert Mulder of Tomasu and BoerBakkerBert BV.

Shameek Chakravarty, how zero budget natural farming is taking off in India

Shameek Chakravarty is the cofounder of Farmizen, a company based in Bangalore, India, on which everyone can rent mini-plots of farmland close to the city.

Jill Clapperton, a 25 years learning journey on nutrient density, healthy soils, food and people

Co-founder of Rhizoterra Inc. and scientific advisor of chef Dan Barber, Jill Clapperton has been focussed on the connection between healthy soils, healthy food and healthy people for the last 25 years.

Stephanie Race on demystifying science to help farmers to make better decisions

Stephanie Race, founder and CEO of Crop Performance Ltd, works with growers and food companies to improve productivity, conserve resources, and monitor the environmental impact of agriculture and food production on land and water use.