Tag: ecology

Antonio Nobre – If nature were a bank it would have been saved already

A conversation with Antonio Nobre, Brazilian agronomist by training and world’s leading Earth scientist, serving as the scientific director of the Biotic Pump Greening Group. He has dedicated his career to studying the Amazon’s ecological dynamics and its crucial role in climate regulation and is an expert on water cycles, native Indigenous knowledge, and much more.

We talk about how Antonio found his way to the Amazon after being born and raised in São Paulo, how he rebelled against the Green Revolution during his time at agricultural university, and how he discovered the incredible workings of forests—especially rainforests.
We also explore the overview effect—the transformative experience of seeing Earth from space—and how it often turns astronauts into environmental activists.

Charles Eisenstein – Money or ecology: investors have to make a choice on which master they serve

A conversation with Charles Eisenstein, writer of Sacred Economics and Climate: A new story, about his fascination for soil and regenerative agriculture, his advice to investors as well as the role of animals in regeneration, his thoughts on our fascination for quick technology fixes, vertical farms and clean lab-grown meat.

Marcus Link, Regen farming isn’t enough, we need regenerative enterprises

A new conversation for the series on New Foundation Farms with the CEO Marcus Link, author of “Farming Smarter” about how farming using regenerative approaches is not enough and how New Foundation Farms is building a regenerative AgriFood enterprise on a thousand acres in the UK and raising 20 million to do so.

Judith D Schwartz on why our current economic framework is completely inadequate for regeneration at scale

The landscapes around us are a reflection of our consciousness and wealth is found in our functional ecosystems. The author Judith D. Schwartz joins us once again to discuss her new book, The Reindeer Chronicles, wherein she dives deep into regeneration at a large scale.