Tag: hope

Eduard Müller – Regenerative education is the answer, whatever the question was

A conversation with Eduard Müller, founder of University for International Cooperation (UCI) and leading Costa Rica Regenerativa, about regenerative education: what does it mean, and why is it so powerful to focus on educating people who want to learn more about regeneration? Eduard makes a very strong case against trying to convince the people in power, in industry, in chemical companies, in fertile companies, in large ultra-processed food companies, at the UN, etc. He has tried and failed, and he truly believes in on education and unlearning. That is why he started his own university 15 years ago. He started with online education in 1998, focusing on scaling regeneration in Costa Rica and showing the numbers and data behind it to reach the tipping point.

Eduard and Koen also discuss how the combination of on-the-ground, large-scale regenerative projects with science and data and the global reach of over 4500 alumni can replicate in their context what is being learned in Costa Rica.