Tag: impact investing

Mike Korchinsky, being frank about investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Forestry

Mike Korchinsky is the founder of WildlifeWorks. We discussed about investing in community based forestry and agriculture projects in Kenya and Congo.

Thomas Vaassen, land tenures hold the key to regenerative agriculture?

How do we bring land tenures to the hundreds of millions small holder farmers around the world? An interview with Thomas Vaassen, co-founder of Land Mapp.

Sallie Calhoun, do and don’ts from the most experienced regen ag investor

A conversation with Sallie Calhoun of Cienega Capital and the #NoRegrets Initiative, impact investor in regenerative agriculture for over 15 years.

Joe Baird, the view of an experienced impact investor on regenerative agriculture

An interview with Joe Baird, impact investor, splitting his time between California and Northern Italy, where he is introducing regenerative agriculture methods to restore the countryside, both ecologically and socially.