Tag: mindset

Emma Chow and Koen van Seijen – Lessons learned from the Regen Mind series

This is the wrap-up of the Regen Mind series, where Emma shares more about her motivation for this series, her lessons learned, the themes that emerged, and of course, her surprises like like how quickly the conversations evolved from mind/mindset to consciousness. Find out why the mind is like soil and how we can adopt a systems-thinking lens, which is imperative for system change.

REGENERATIVE MIND – Emma Chow, Thomas Legrand and Luis Camargo – Shifting the narrative to capture food’s positive potential

A conversation with Luis Camargo and Thomas Legrand about the regenerative mindset in food systems, transforming the inner capacities for sustainability and regeneration, personal growth through reconnection with nature, food systems and narratives, and much more.

Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin – Why chickens are the perfect entry point to decolonize our food system

A conversation with Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, CEO of Tree Range Farms, farmers and producers which a focus on establishing or maintaining a “jungle like” habitat that honours the true natural environment of chickens. When they do this, they not only create a better habitat for the chickens, they create a better world. We talk about using indigenous knowledge to transform the food system, how chickens could and should be raised with a focus on soil health and how to structure business with an indigenous mindset.

REGENERATIVE MIND – Emma Chow and Lucio Usobiaga – Agriculture as an act of working with the magic of life

A conversation with Lucio Usobiaga, cofounder of Arca Tierra, about Chinampas, a wetland ecosystem in Mexico City with a rich history of food production and cultural significance, regenerative agriculture and its connection to soul and purpose, chefs and gastronomy in Mexico City, and much more.

REGENERATIVE MIND – Emma Chow and Giles Hutchins – How we can use the achiever mindset as a tool for crafting a regenerative world

A conversation with Giles Hutchins, author of Leading by Nature and founder of Leadership Immersions, about the role of mindset in regenerative food systems, the achiever mentality, reconnecting with nature and achieving a more sustainable business mindset, interconnectedness and the “field” in science and spirituality and more.