Tag: trees

Antonio Nobre – If nature were a bank it would have been saved already

A conversation with Antonio Nobre, Brazilian agronomist by training and world’s leading Earth scientist, serving as the scientific director of the Biotic Pump Greening Group. He has dedicated his career to studying the Amazon’s ecological dynamics and its crucial role in climate regulation and is an expert on water cycles, native Indigenous knowledge, and much more.

We talk about how Antonio found his way to the Amazon after being born and raised in São Paulo, how he rebelled against the Green Revolution during his time at agricultural university, and how he discovered the incredible workings of forests—especially rainforests.
We also explore the overview effect—the transformative experience of seeing Earth from space—and how it often turns astronauts into environmental activists.

Jonas Steinfeld – The many shades of green of agroforestry systems

A conversation with Jonas Steinfeld, a researcher and consultant based in Brazil specialising in agroforestry systems, about the many different levels of complexity in agroforestry. Does complexity lead to more or less work? Does complexity lead to more or less carbon storage, and why? And are complex agroforestry systems more profitable? The scientific world has been quite clear up until now that adding more complexity to agriculture, especially with perennials like trees, almost always makes massive environmental differences. So what is holding us back? Why aren’t we planting trees everywhere?

Our Vital Role as Keystone Species in restoring Water Cycles

The disparity in attention between water vapour, constituting 60–70% of the greenhouse effect, and CO2 at 25%, prompts a crucial question: why is water vapour seldom discussed in climate discourse? Perhaps because addressing its role requires extensive global reforestation and regeneration efforts across the planet.

Do we even have the imagination needed to restore marshes, mangroves, and perennial pastures with trees, and strategically reforest and revitalise ecosystems?

This approach- the intentional large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate system to counter climate change, called climate engineering- highlights humanity’s urgent role in environmental conservation and restoration. The call to action is clear.

Brett Hundley – From Tyson Foods equity analyst to financing millions of trees

A conversation with Brett Hundley, President of Agroforestry Partners (AP), a fund that invests in agroforestry projects on farmland with the strategy of providing uncorrelated and attractive nature-based investment opportunities for investors.
We talk about moving away from an agricultural system that relies on annuals to a system that relies more on perennial trees. If trees are the answer to whatever the question is, how do we get millions of more trees into the ground?

How do we finance them, and how do we make the key stakeholders, the farmers- that need to give agroforestry operators access to their land for 20 40 or maybe a 100 years- comfortable with these farming systems? How do we get comfortable with writing these checks the other essential stakeholder investors that need to pour hundreds of millions into an industry and a system they are not really used to, with long time horizons (chestnuts, for instance, take 7 to 9 years before they bare fruit but could produce for at least 50 or even hundreds of years)?

Ethan Steinberg and Jeremy Kaufman, ready to invest over 15M into agroforestry systems in the US

A check in interview with the co-founders of Propagate Ventures Jeremy and Ethan after our interview 1,5 years ago! A conversation about how they are scaling up agroforestry to every farm and what they have learned in the past years.

Harrie, Arnout, Koen – Where we plant billions of trees vs climate change?

Harrie Lovenstein, Arnout Asjes and Koen Kramer work for the Land Life Company, an ecosystem restoration company working to reforest hundreds of thousands of hectares.

Russell Wallack, which trees to plant where? Answering the oldest question in agriculture

With Russell Wallack of Terra Genesis and co founder of Brasa, we cover a lot of ground but try to give (part of the) answer to the key question in agriculture, what to plant where and why?

Jeremy, Harry, Ethan on planting millions of productive trees with farmers on their farms

An interesting conversation with Ethan, Jeremy and Harry, the co-founders of Propagate Ventures, who are scaling up agroforestry to every farm. Our conversation ranged from chestnuts to crowdfunding and how to get more impact investors into the agroforestry space.

Jurriaan Ruys, planting trees to restore 2b hectares degraded land

Jurrian Ruys is the CEO and co founder of Land Life Company, planting trees to restore 2b hectares of degraded land.