Tag: vermicompost

Alfred Grand – Why an Austrian farmer and researcher trained by earthworms is very excited about AI

A conversation with Alfred Grand, farmer at Grand Farm, an organic farm with a high proportion of research, about vermicompost and seed inoculation, but also what policymakers should know about farming. Plus, the role of technology in the regenerative transition. And why he is so excited about AI and robotics.
Dive deep in the story of a bike mechanic turned farmer and researcher, who has been trained by millions earthworms!

Taimur Malik – From Wall Street through GM cotton to founding Drawdown Farm in the desert of Pakistan

A conversation with Taimur Malik, founder of Drawdown Farm, a regenerative organic, biomimetic, no-till carbon farm in the Thal desert in Pakistan, about how they built one of the largest Johnson and Su compost facilities, plus the largest vermicompost in Pakistan. We talk about inputs, outputs, and why the timing is now for a regenerative transition in Pakistan and beyond!

Josh Heyneke – Small scale farmers going potentially bankrupt with regen duck eggs and fertiliser

A conversation with Josh Heyneke, founder of Parc Carreg together with Abigail, about buying 10 acres in Wales to farm, Back to the land movement, duck eggs, feed prices, black soldier flies, vermicompost, and the difficulties in the space.