Tag: cotton

Taimur Malik – From Wall Street through GM cotton to founding Drawdown Farm in the desert of Pakistan

A conversation with Taimur Malik, founder of Drawdown Farm, a regenerative organic, biomimetic, no-till carbon farm in the Thal desert in Pakistan, about how they built one of the largest Johnson and Su compost facilities, plus the largest vermicompost in Pakistan. We talk about inputs, outputs, and why the timing is now for a regenerative transition in Pakistan and beyond!

Claire Crunk – Why the regenerative revolution starts with a hemp based tampon

A conversation with Claire Crunk, health nurse practitioner, founder, and CEO of Trace. As a pioneer 5years in the US hemp fiber agricultural movement, she joins together exciting new practices in healing the earth through hemp and regenerative farming techniques with her knowledge of menstrual healthcare. We talk about fossil fuel-based products, natural fibres, cotton, hemp and maybe the biggest overlooked industry in regeneration: tampons!