Tag: banks

Tim Coates – Sell flood mitigation to institutional players to finance water cycle restoration

A conversation with Tim Coates, co-founder of Oxbury Bank, the UK’s only specialist agricultural bank, about flood risk mitigation, water quality, water cycle restoration, selling flood mitigation to institutional investors and much more.

Brandon Welch and Phil Taylor – Updates with Mad Capital on how to enable billions to flow to regen organic farmers

A check-in conversation with Brandon Welch and Phil Taylor, founders of Mad Capital and Mad Agriculture, to talk about Perennial Fund 1 and 2, the lessons learned and building the vehicles to finance transition and funnel billions into the space.

Pierre Rousseau on how large banks finance the regeneration transition

Pierre Rousseau, the Senior Advisor of BNP Paribas’ Sustainable Business, joins us to talk about the role of banks in regenerative transition. He also talks about how monetising externalities can revolutionise the way you do business.

The role of the crowd in the transition finance for farmers

As part of the Transition Finance for Farmers series, Benedikt Bösel and Koen van Seijen discuss with Thomas Rippel the role of the crowd in transition finance. They talk about the transition from active farmer to retirement and freeing up land for future generations, as well as investing in regenerative transition.

Victor Friedberg, 30m available for food moonshots

Victor Friedberg is co-founder of FoodShot Global (www.foodshot.org) a platform catalysing food system innovation. FoodShot is an ecosystem of world-class, mission aligned venture funds, banks, corporate strategic investors, and foundations that provide equity, debt, non-dilutive capital, and industry resources.