Tag: congo

Angus McIntosh – Going from Goldman’s trading desk to regen farming in South Africa

A wide-ranging conversation with Angus McIntosh, a regenerative ag pioneer in South Africa, about markets, carbon, nutrient density, cobalt, chemical-based fertilizer, large distribution, and so much more. He is the founder of the Farmer Angus brand.

Paul Chatterton – WWF’s Finance Lab working on landscapes of 1M hectares and $100M investments

Paul Chatterton is the co-founder of the Landscape Finance Lab an experimental unit inside the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). They incubate sustainable landscapes, structure, launch and fund deals at landscape scale.

Mike Korchinsky, protecting forests in Congo and Kenya with local communities

Ecosystem restoration together with local communities in Kenya and Congo: an interview with Mike Korchinsky, founder and CEO of WildlifeWorks.