Tag: investors

Cindie Christiansen and Analisa Winther – How a first-time non-profit raised almost €1 million to put 50 top regen farmers in the spotlight

A conversation with Cindie Christiansen and Analisa Winther, founder of Top 50 Farmers, about the narrative around farmers and how it has to change. Less than 12% of farmers in the EU are under 40, and it isn’t seen as “sexy.” The stereotype of a 60-year-old white man on a tractor isn’t helping, and no, driverless tractors are not going to take care of our farming anytime soon. So how do we change that? One way is to put the current trailblazers, the pioneering regenerative farmers, in the spotlight by connecting them with resources and with each other, and yes, even with corporations, to turn this into a real movement and to change the public narrative.

Farming can be at least as sexy— probably more so— as being a chef. Do you remember when chefs weren’t famous and didn’t have book deals or Netflix series? That has drastically changed in the last few decades. We need to do the same with farming and farmers. Great, lofty goals—but how do you go about it? How do you finance something like this? Stay true to yourself and make sure you don’t burn out, which wouldn’t be very regenerative. All things we unpack in this episode.

Martin Reiter – Why regen hasn’t produced Steve Jobs yet and how to build a modern Nestlé

A conversation with Martin Reiter, former senior manager at Airbnb and Wayfair, and prior to this at McKinsey and Groupon, about what excites him about regeneration, where are the Steve Jobs and Elon Musk of regenerative agriculture going to build companies, and how can we help more talent flow into the space?

Marcel de Berg – Water is a more important cooling factor than the heat of carbon

A conversation with Marcel de Berg, founder of Green Water Cools, about the cooling potential of green water, avoiding regrets and focusing a bit of our attention and resources on restoring water cycles, biodiversity, and more.

After 25.000 hours of research Marcel concluded that the cooling potential of green water fare out paces the less heating of CO2 reductions. So why don’t we switch on this massive airco cooler? What is holding back the systems investors, the investors pension funds, insurance companies, etc. that rely on a thriving global system which seems to be under threat?

Luni Libes – Building a Warren Buffet style portfolio while serving 1M African smallholder farmers

A conversation with Luni Libes, serial entrepreneur and investor, about the enormous opportunities of African food companies and on buying from smallholder famers and selling into the local regional markets. We also discuss why the traditional venture capital model doesn’t make any sense and a holding company does, plus why and how he wants to take the holding company public in a few years’ time.

200th EPISODE Emma Chow in conversation with Koen van Seijen – Regenerating ourselves before working on regenerative agriculture and food

The 200th of this podcast sees Koen van Seijen in conversation with Emma Chow, former head of food at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation.

Emma Chow, former head of food at the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, she’s back on the podcast to talk about her journey, her burnout, coming back from the Amazon to London and re-engaging with the food space. In a second part of the interview, though, Emma and Koen switch mics with Emma becoming the host and asking Koen about his lessons learned over the past 200 episodes.

Stephen Hohenrieder on investing in mature food companies and help them go further and deeper

Stephen Hohenrieder, founder of Grounded Capital Partners, joins us to discuss a different approach to capital—by treating the symptoms of an unhealthy system rather than incentivizing them.

Phil Taylor and Brandon Welch, the first investments of Mad Ag’s $10 million fund

Phil Taylor and Brandon Welch of the Perennial Fund and MAD Agriculture just closed their fund of $10 million and the first four loans are out of the door, with many more to come. We discuss in this episode what they have learned about skin-in-the-game transition finance and partnering with farmers.

Marcus Link, Regen farming isn’t enough, we need regenerative enterprises

A new conversation for the series on New Foundation Farms with the CEO Marcus Link, author of “Farming Smarter” about how farming using regenerative approaches is not enough and how New Foundation Farms is building a regenerative AgriFood enterprise on a thousand acres in the UK and raising 20 million to do so.

Soil Builders, for robots not all weeds are created egual

A check in with Brent Kessel, investor in the New African Farmers bond, plus a deep dive with Ben Scott Robbinson of the Small Robot Company into the role of small robots in regenerative agriculture and why not all weeds are created equal.

Dan Miller on crowdfunding and its key role in regenerative agriculture

Is investing in regenerative agriculture and food only for large investors? An interview with Dan Miller, founder of crowd investing platform Steward.