Tag: forests

Antonio Nobre – If nature were a bank it would have been saved already

A conversation with Antonio Nobre, Brazilian agronomist by training and world’s leading Earth scientist, serving as the scientific director of the Biotic Pump Greening Group. He has dedicated his career to studying the Amazon’s ecological dynamics and its crucial role in climate regulation and is an expert on water cycles, native Indigenous knowledge, and much more.

We talk about how Antonio found his way to the Amazon after being born and raised in São Paulo, how he rebelled against the Green Revolution during his time at agricultural university, and how he discovered the incredible workings of forests—especially rainforests.
We also explore the overview effect—the transformative experience of seeing Earth from space—and how it often turns astronauts into environmental activists.

What we learned in 2023 about cooling the planet, food as medicine, regenerative renaissance, indigenous knowledge and decommodification

As we are wrapping up 2023 we look back at a year which feels even crazier than 2022. Another war has started and we have been flooded literally with extreme weather events. Every month seems to have been the warmest, driest, wettest etc. in history! Let’s look at what we covered and learned in the podcast!

Anastassia Makarieva – Healthy forests invest their capital to create their own rain

A conversation with Anastassia Makarieva, researcher at the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute and with a fellowship at the University of Munich, about how healthy ecosystems, and specifically healthy forests, regulate moisture and thus rain. We discuss tipping points and where to look for wet spots even in very dry landscapes.

Alpha Lo – What if water is more important than carbon

A conversation with Alpha Lo, physicist and writer of the Climate Water Project, about the importance of slowing water down, the connection between drought, fire, and floods, and the massive role water plays in heating and cooling our planet.

Felipe Pasini – Trees bring water so when in doubt plant more trees and complexify

Felipe Pasini, the co-founder of Life in Syntropy, joins us to discuss the astounding capabilities of systemic tree planting coupled with many other agroforestry systems and the role of syntropic agroforestry in gaining back the forests we once had.

Walter Jehne, stop talking about carbon emissions and focus on restoring the water cycle

An episode about the impact of regeneration on cooling the climate with Walter Jehne, forester and agricultural scientist specialising in soil microbial ecology of plant diseases, nutrition, and land regeneration.

Bastien Sachet, how Nestlè and Ferrero are decommodifying their supply chains

An interview with Bastien Sachet, CEO of The Earthworm Foundation. A dive deep into the importance of managing forests and soils. The key is a humble approach for large brands and commodity buyers as they need a more holistic view to shift from extractive to regenerative.

Sean Kidney on the $100 trillion bond market everyone in regen ag should know about

Sean Kidney, CEO and co-founder of the Climate Bonds Initiative, on the $100 trillion bond market everyone in regenerative ag and food should know about.

Mike Korchinsky, protecting forests in Congo and Kenya with local communities

Ecosystem restoration together with local communities in Kenya and Congo: an interview with Mike Korchinsky, founder and CEO of WildlifeWorks.

Paul McMahon on why ecological agriculture makes more business sense than chemical agriculture

Paul McMahon is co-founder and managing partner of SLM Partners, an asset manager that acquires and manages rural land on behalf of institutional investors, to scale up regenerative, ecological farming and forestry systems.