Tag: investment

Gina Pattisson on how to raise more than half a million euros during a pandemic

How can one raise capital during a global pandemic? What can we learn from a very experienced non-profit fundraiser who has joined a regenerative agriculture tech startup two years ago? These are the questions that we will be zoning with our special guest Gina Pattisson, founding team member of Soil Heroes.

Frank Wooten on how virtual fencing unlocks the potential of carbon positive grazing at scale

An episode with Frank Wooten, CEO and founder of Vence, a reinvented livestock production that centers in virtual fencing and autonomous animal control. Vence’s mission is to lower the price and to increase the availability of sustainable animal protein around the world.

John Kempf, what would he do with a 1 billion dollar investment fund?

John Kempf, founder of Advancing Eco Agriculture (AEA) and host of Regenerative Agriculture Podcast, is back on the podcast to discuss his book on Regenerative Agriculture, developing AI agronomists, and influencing farmers to ask better questions.

What kind of systems thinking is necessary to design investment products?

Robyn O’Brien of rePlant Capital is the third guest of the Transition Finance for Farmers Series. A discussion on the crucial role of farmers and investments.

The role of Triodos, one of the world’s leading sustainable banks, in financing the transition towards regenerative agriculture

As part of the series on Transition Finance, Benedikt Bösel and Koen van Seijen interview Jurriën Appers of Triodos Bank/Investment Management on the role of banks in this transition.

Mark Campanale and Matt McLuckie on the hidden risks in the food and ag system any investor should know

An interesting conversation with Mark Campanale and Matt McLuckie of Planet Tracker, a non-profit financial think tank focused on planetary limits and financial markets e.g. fisheries, water and textiles.

Yasmine Svan on why a 1.3 trillion asset manager is asking questions about soil health

Yasmine Svan is Sustainability Analyst at Legal & General Investment Management, one of the largest asset mangers in Europe.

Joelle Faulkner on why a $250M Canadian farmland investor entered regen ag

Joelle Faulkner is the president and CEO of Area One Farms, an alternative asset management firm that she co-founded in 2012.

Soil Wealth: growing opportunities to allocate capital to regenerative food systems

With David and Joshua we speak about the new report “Soil Wealth: Investing in Regenerative Agriculture across Asset Classes”.