
Mike Korchinsky, being frank about investing in Regenerative Agriculture and Forestry

Mike Korchinsky is the founder of WildlifeWorks. We discussed about investing in community based forestry and agriculture projects in Kenya and Congo.

Thomas Vaassen, land tenures hold the key to regenerative agriculture?

How do we bring land tenures to the hundreds of millions small holder farmers around the world? An interview with Thomas Vaassen, co-founder of Land Mapp.

Michiel Lenstra, impact investing and small holder farmers

A conversation with Michiel Lenstra, Impact Investor and Lead Wire Investments at Wire Group with a passion for small holder farmers and regenerative agriculture.

Michiel de Man, pushing back the desert in Spain with regenerative agriculture

Working with farmers in Spain to bring back hope and inspiration through regenerative agriculture in farming communities. An interview with Michiel de Man, strategy director of Commonland.

Thekla Teunis and Gijs Boers, what African regenerative farmers can teach us

An interview with Thekla Teunis and Gijs Boers, cofounders of Grounded. We discuss how regenerative agriculture really works in practice on the ground in Southern Africa and how is working with farmers in Zambia and South Africa by really really listening to them.

Sallie Calhoun, do and don’ts from the most experienced regen ag investor

A conversation with Sallie Calhoun of Cienega Capital and the #NoRegrets Initiative, impact investor in regenerative agriculture for over 15 years.

Tony Lovell, regenerate soils with a 100M fund and many cows

Tony Lovell is the co-founder and CEO of SLM Partners (slmpartners.com/) an asset manager that acquires and manages rural land on behalf of institutional investors, to scale up regenerative, ecological farming and forestry systems.

Joe Baird, the view of an experienced impact investor on regenerative agriculture

An interview with Joe Baird, impact investor, splitting his time between California and Northern Italy, where he is introducing regenerative agriculture methods to restore the countryside, both ecologically and socially.

Paul McMahon on why ecological agriculture makes more business sense than chemical agriculture

Paul McMahon is co-founder and managing partner of SLM Partners, an asset manager that acquires and manages rural land on behalf of institutional investors, to scale up regenerative, ecological farming and forestry systems.

Jurriaan Ruys, planting trees to restore 2b hectares degraded land

Jurrian Ruys is the CEO and co founder of Land Life Company, planting trees to restore 2b hectares of degraded land.