QA Webinar with Abby Rose – July 2nd, 2020

Thank you so much for joining this QA webinar with Abby Rose, regen farmer, agtech founder and co-host of Farmerama. Thank you Abby for joining and thank you all for your great questions and I hope we could cover most of them!

Some topics we discussed:

  • how ag technology should help farmers with observing their soil
  • the power of beauty
  • first exit of a regen ag tech company (PastureMap to Soilworks, see links below)
  • going from observation to action (what does the farmer do with the data?)
  • offering the farmer choice
  • regenerative organic certification
  • profitability of regen ag?!
  • what is keeping Abby up at night
  • what soil tests ranchers should use
  • what about more complex systems like agroforestry
  • balancing fast and broad data collection against slower and more detailed data collection

Here all the links we discussed:

Marketplaces to sell ecosystem services:

Our interview with Nori

Soil tests Abby suggested:

Regenerative organic certification

Soil micro bio meter, shared by Neesha

Comment from Marcus on beauty:
Beauty: I celebrate that Abby. It’s absolutely a feeling of reverence and appreciation of having a place in the universe.

Comment from Francisco Telles Varela:
As Perrine and Charles Hervé-Gruyer from La Ferme du Bec Hellouin, they started their farm based on beauty as they had no clue about farming. It happens that beauty for us coincides with very diverse and colourful landscapes, that as we now know brings a lots of benefits. Beauty is key.

Some other links:

Interview of the profitability of regenerative agriculture with Jonathan Lundgren

Message from Michael MacHarg:
Great to see everyone – and look forward to connecting with folks thinking about regenerative ag, sustainable finance – and new areas like alt proteins – especially as they relate to emerging markets.

We didn’t get to this question of Francisco Telles Varela:
Perennial systems, like fruiticulture, are more easily to manage in a regenerative way. But don’t you think we need to bring more research or field experience, and people out of the ag field to innovate on row-cropping systems in order to find new ways to working with no-till but organically? Something beyond roller-crimping, not yet the best solution. And how can we bring this people to think about this?
Please comment below if you have answers!


Feedback, comments, suggestions? Reach me via Twitter @KoenvanSeijen, in the comments below or through Get in Touch on this website.

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