Tag: knowledge

Thimm Zwiener – Using chat GPT and the best regen advisors to create a regenerative hotline for all

A conversation with Thimm Zwiener, co-founder of FarmOn, a regenerative hotline for independent farming advice, about how to give everyone of the 600 million farmers in the world access to a trustworthy and regenerative field experience when they have questions, the role of technology, especially the newly hyped large language models like ChatGPT, the risks, and much more.

Liz Carlisle – Let’s get real, regeneration is nothing new, so let’s honour the indigenous history

A conversation with Liz Carlisle, writer of Healing Grounds, about the deep racism that exists in agriculture and food and in the regenerative agriculture movement as well. A deep dive in the real origin story of the Green Revolution, the black farming movement in the US, the deep roots of colonisation in agriculture and what we should learn from that.